Introduction to installation steps of photo frame wood line

release date:2019-01-22 00:00 source: Click:

Introduction to installation preparation

1. Before the closing construction, the closing wood decorative lines shall be prepared and selected

① The twisted, scar and decayed parts of wood decorative lines shall be removed

② It should also be noted that the color of wood decorative lines should be consistent. The thickness of the lines should be uniform

③ The surface of wood decorative line shall be smooth without pit and damage

2. When preparing materials, it should be noted that the wood wire strips with the same base material and the same finish color can be closed first and then finished with the base. The wood wire strips with different base material or different colors can be closed separately after the base material is finished

3. Base course treatment: check whether the base surface at the closing and butt joint is fixed firmly and whether the butt joint is uneven And find out the reason. Reinforce and correct

Introduction to installation steps

1. Fixing of wood decorative lines: if conditions permit, glue shall be used as much as possible. If it is necessary to nail, it is better to use nail gun. It is not allowed to expose the nail head when nailing. The nail position shall be at the groove position of the wood line or the side of the back line of sight. For example, when the height of the semi-circular wood line is less than 1.6m, it shall be nailed at the lower part of the wood line. When the height is greater than 1.7m, it shall be nailed at the upper part of the wood line

2. Wood line splicing: straight or corner splicing can be used first

① Straight splicing method: it is to cut the wood line into 30 or 45 angles at the butt joint. After adding glue to the cross section, the splicing shall be smooth and shall not be misplaced,

② Angle splicing: place the line on the 45 angle setter. Cut the line with a fine saw (ensure that the section has no edge). Apply glue to the cross section and then butt weld it. Note that there is no dislocation and seam separation

3. Precautions: the corresponding position of the wood decorative line shall be far away from the horizontal line of people. It shall be placed in an inconspicuous position indoors

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